Hi, I’m Jesse!
I’m a lawyer who spends my days representing poor, disenfranchised, and working class residents of Columbus.
I have fought for tenants struggling to keep their families in safe housing, immigrants seeking safety and opportunity here in Columbus, and individuals trying to tackle their debt and get back on their feet. Through my advocacy work, I meet people whose stories motivate me to fight for them. There's my client who lives downtown and can’t catch a bus to her job at the airport; she sometimes takes an uber there, on minimum wage. There is another client in Section 8 housing who had to wait in the cold for two hours at 6 AM just to get someone to see her about a problem getting her rent paid.
Columbus has so much to offer. I'm running for City Council because there’s more we can do to make things better.
I am running for Columbus City Council because I love it here and I know we can expect more.
Experienced at fighting for people in complicated systems, I get results from adversaries by asking tough questions, working really hard, and not letting my eye off the ball.
I am a proud queer resident of Olde Towne East, inspired by the courage and creativity of Columbus’ LGBTQ community. I am Jewish, and reinvigorated by shabbat dinners with neighbors and friends. I would bring all that to my role as City Council Member, plus my perspective and skills, to advocate for people in this city.
We’re in a fight for our lives, given what we see coming out of the statehouse and soon in the federal government.
But in Columbus, this great city with diverse communities, where people move to find opportunity, we have a chance to boost everyone’s quality of life. I hope you can join me and chip in, as we keep moving towards what we know is possible.